Year Ending!

Yes.. Yes.. It’s been 3 months since we are in 2016 and we all have already been caught up in the daily rut and monotony of life. All those resolutions have almost faded away. Some new fitness trial classes were joined an discontinued. “I will do one new thing everyday” has become last year’s story.

But hey, there is always the ending of “the financial year”. This is that time of the year when all organisations and employees pledge for the #health #wellness and #goodFitness of their companies and their people. Everyone is talking about revenues, numbers, targets, budgets, increments etc.

Let’s try and do more than this… #Motivate all our people to start living a healthier lifestyle. When people live healthier, they stay happy, when they are happy they work better, if your people work better, the organisation grows faster and looks healthier!

A few things that you can bring in to your organisational life ti improve the wellness quotient of your people:

  • Send out motivational emails, quotes, videos to all
  • Have a wellness board in your office where people post their activities
  • Share your wellness tips / activities with colleagues
  • Have a bring a #HealthyMeal to office day
  • Break out of your chairs and do a quick 10 minute workout
  • Organise Friday sessions: Zumba, Yoga, Spa, Aerobics in office
  • Play music in office and much more…

These are just a few things, we can suggest. So, get going and this year end, let’s pledge to live a healthier and happier corporate life! 🙂

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Choosing The Best Spa Services Guide

A few years ago, getting spa treatment was considered something that only rich people did. Today, however, many spa services available are quite affordable. Many spa centers have opened across the country and people are taking advantage of the reasonable prices they charge. The most popular spa treatment is a massage, and this is something that has been around for centuries and has been credited for its health benefits.sommer_buddha

Other popular treatments provided in the spa services include facials, foot reflexology, body wraps and hair & nail treatments. Most spas also offer hair styling services, and the level of treatment available will depend on the type of spa. Some specialize in different types of massage such as reflexology, Thai massage, hot stone massage and other treatments. Whatever beauty treatment you need, you can find a spa that provides the service.

People go to the spa to feel pampered and the atmosphere is one that is relaxing. Many of the up-market spas will have best of facilities. The treatment sessions have different durations depending on the service.

Some hotels offer spa services that last for days, for those looking for a weekend of being pampered. Spas are located at various national & international airports for special Jet Lag. Spas are more popular with women than men are, but now-a-days due to high stress levels & deep awareness for health & wellness, more men are also involving themselves in spa luxury treatments

When looking for the ideal spa, one of the factors you should consider is the ambiance. The environment of the spa should put you in a relaxed mood the moment you walk through the doors. There should be no noise or distractions and the air should smell nice and clean. The amenities available are another important consideration. A spa that is well equipped will offer a wider range of services.


Make sure that the facilities are clean and all the linen provided is freshly laundered and folded neatly. These are small signs that show that the business cares about the clients. The services offered should be consistent, with well-trained staff. Being a masseur requires training and a good spa will make sure that they employ well-trained staff who have good customer care qualities. When you go to the spa, you should expect to be treated in a courteous manner at all times.

Most spas require clients to make reservations for the service. This is important because the facilities usually get fully booked especially over the weekend. A good spa will have a good reservation system, which respects all the clients. The spas that get fully booked are those that offer quality services.

Spas have wide ranging services and in many cases, the costs vary widely. Some exclusive resorts will have very expensive services that target specific clientele. Those looking for a full range of personalized services can end up paying thousands of dollars for it. There are, however, affordable services that are of very good quality. If you are simply looking for a good relaxing afternoon at the spa, there are many options to consider and you can find something that suits your budget.

10 Smart Ways to Be Stress-Free At Work

work stress
Do you ever take a pause in your busy schedule and think if you really like the job you are doing? If you give it a serious thought, you may realize that it’s not about the work at all. All the grumbling, complaints and stress that you have in your job could be merely due to your lifestyle and working style. It might be true that once you are at work you really enjoy your job, but the travelling conditions, unorganized work style or your inability to manage time could be making your job very stressful for you.
Here we have listed down few simple lifestyle changes that can help you manage work related stress and make your life at work really stress-free.

1. Listen to Music On The Way to Work


If you have a long commute to work and travel in car, bus or train, you can tune in to some nice soothing music. Research suggests that music can be regarded as therapy and can have its effects on mental health to improve our mood.

2. Use Essential Oils At Workplace

Essential Oil Diffuser

Work related stress has become a burning topic and many experts are constantly searching for best strategies to manage it. Using essential oils in the workplace is one the effective approaches to reduce work related stress. There are several ways in which you can get the benefits of Aromatherapy in your office. You can use an essential oil diffuser on your desk, keep a small bottle for your personal use, or spray the air with essential oils and water.

3. Sit Upright in Your Chair

Sitting upright

Wrong posture of sitting such as slouching while working on computer is associated with neck, shoulder and back pain. Did you know that occupations that require sitting for a long time, have the highest prevalence of back pain? If your job involves sitting in front of computer for a long time make sure to adjust the monitor to your eye level and keep your hands close to the body while using keyboard. To prevent the hazardous effect of prolonged immobility, all you need to do is get up and move around. Make it a habit to get up after every 30 minutes or an hour, and move for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Choose Fruits Juice Over Coffee
Fruit Juice
You might be having several stressful moments at work, when everyone wants something from you urgently. And, this definitely calls for a cup of coffee. If this happens repeatedly, do you keep asking for coffee frequently? Coffee does stimulate your brain but according to experts more than 4 cups of coffee per day is hazardous to health. Bring in some healthy changes in your lifestyle by replacing coffee with water or fruit juice.

5. Put a Desktop Reminder to Drink Water

water bottle

Ask yourself how many glasses of water do you drink in a day? You cannot really recollect. In fact, some people actually forget to drink water. Water is essential to keep the body temperature normal. It also helps to flush out the toxins and wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movement. Research reveals that dehydration can affect brain and cause lack of attention and memory problems.

6. Park Your Car Away From Your Workplace

Car Parking
With the busy work schedules it may be difficult at times to hit the gym or go for walk before going to work. But, what if we fit physical activity in the work schedule itself? If you look closely there are number of opportunities for some activity in your daily work schedule. One smart way is to park your car at some distance and walk few miles rather than simply stepping out of car into the elevator. So, now stop struggling to get the parking slot closest to the elevator.

7. Take the Staircase Instead of Elevator
Climbing stairs is a recognized form of vigorous physical activity. Experts suggest that you burn 7 times more calories when you take the stairs rather than taking the elevator. This happens because with every step you climb you burn about 0.17 calories. However, if you have problems with your knee or heart, climbing stairs every day can be unsafe for you.

8. Stand When Possible
Majority of office goers sit for nearly 6 hours in a day. Research has shown that cumulative impact of sitting all day for years is associated with a range of health problems, from obesity to diabetes to cancer. Although not possible in all workplaces, the popularity of the sit-stand desk and stand up workstation is booming. If you cannot have a stand up workstation, make sure you split your standing and sitting time equally. Make sure to stand while you discuss work with colleague or when you talk on cell phone.

9. Eat Foods That Lower Your Stress

Girl eating apple

It’s natural to get stressed when you see work piling up in front of you. But, craving and eating food to overcome your work related stress is not a healthy solution. Research has found that in stressful situation we tend to crave for fatty, sugary, calorie-rich food because it’s not about physical hunger at all, it’s about the comfort we get through food. You must choose some healthy foods that satisfy your hunger as well as overcome your stress. Here are 5 foods that can reduce your stress Keep them handy when at work.

10. Do Some Desk Exercises

Toning-Exercises-You-Can-Do-Your-DeskExercise is a proven and effective means of reducing work related stress. But, how can you do any physical activity amidst your daily busy schedule? We are surely not referring to any vigorous activity. Instead you can do simple desk exercises as given below.
• Stretch one or both the legs and hold it for few seconds before getting back to ground. Repeat this few times
• Try the neck stretch by touching your ears to shoulders and holding for few seconds
• Stretch both your arms backwards as if you are trying to hold a pen between your hands
• To prevent wrist pain due to keyboard use, place your palms on desk and lower your body till you feel the stretch in your arms

At Heaven on Earth spa we provide Best Spa treatments, Reflexology, Body Massages & Beauty treatments without burning a hole in your pocket. Visit us , experience yourself & live stress-free.

Is the SUN still BURNing you?

The Summer of 2015 has surely been quite a heat wave. Whilst we wait for the monsoon to come and chill us, here are a few home remedies for sun burns:

  1. ICE: Of course it is common sense that if you have a burn, you should put something cold on it. And it’s true, experts agree that a cold shower, ice pack, can surely help cool the skin and make it feel better.
  2. Aloe Vera has a long history of providing sunburn relief because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Try the fresh gel from the plant; it is surely better than over-the-counter products.
  3. Shaving Cream: As weird as it sounds, shaving cream has menthol and other chemicals, that are cooling and feel good to the skin. Menthol is a highly volatile compound that evaporates fast and takes the heat from the sunburn leaving a cooling effect.
  4. Vinegar: Specifically the apple cider vinegar is a famous home remedy for sunburn. It works as an antiseptic and helps to cool the skin as it evaporates. Theoretically, vinegar helps to balance the body’s pH levels to take away the stinging feeling.
  5. Milk is known to help soothe pain, itching and burning when used in cold compression. Yogurt also seems to have a similar effect.
  6. Honey is an antibacterial and multiple studies have shown that honey can help to heal wounds. Because of this, applying honey to a sunburn could help the skin re-epithelize (grow new epithelial skin cells).
  7. Lastly Tomato: Yes, it may sound crazy, but rubbing tomato on sunburn can help soothe the burn.

So if you have had many days by the beach and burnt your skin out, run into your closets and apply any of the above the heal your sun burn!

If you have any other easy home remedies, do share! 🙂


Hello 2015! We are almost at nearing end of the first month of 2015 and the actual test results of whether our resolutions will last for the first quarter or not come out within these first 30 days. Well, if you have survived for the first month, there are about 80% chances that you will get through the first quarter as well… 🙂

So what are the most common things that we hear on 31st December of every year? Or even 1st January of every new year?

  1. Let’s get fitter this year
  2. Lose some kilos or inches to fit into those wonderful old pair of jeans
  3. Do ONE good deed every day (or week or even month)
  4. LIVE life to the fullest (stress-freeeee)
  5. Spend more quality time with myself, with family and friends
  6. Travel MORE

Yes of course the list can go on and on… But for most of us the top 2 stand true every year! Here are a quick few lifestyle choices that can help you get there without the stress of counting calories, changing your social life or dieting.

  1. Hot water and lemon: It’s as simple as a cup of warm water and lemon. Begin your day with this warm cup feeling lighter all through the day. This cup of water does nothing but boosts your metabolism for the day.
  2. BREATHE: Take about 5 minutes to do some simple breathing exercises (preferably in a natural and open environment or even by your window). Taking deep breathes first thing in the morning not only energises your lungs but also works on your abs.
  3. Spot Fitness: Most of us are the lazy types, who do not like to venture out of our homes (for a walk or the gym) early in the morning. Here is the spot fitness regime for these kinds. In this regime what you got to do is simple: Set a timer for 15 minutes > Put on some music > Exercise until your buzzer rings. These exercises could be as simple as spot jogging, stretches, push-ups, lunges etc.
  4. Eat Right: Diet is one of the most important parts of being healthy and fit. We all have cravings and weaknesses, well not asking you to give up a lot but follow a few simple rules:
    • Have a good filling breakfast
    • Eat every 2 hours (a small snack like a cookie, some nuts etc.)
    • Eat your meals on time.
    • A complete lunch in adequate quantities
    • Avoid over eating (makes you lazy)
    • Carbs only until 7pm
    • Have a filling high-protein dinner (salads, meat, lentils etc.)
  5. Hydrate: Drink a lot of water through your day. Drinking water has a lot of benefits. Keeps your system clean. Reduces hunger pangs. Hydrates and nourishes your skin as well.
  6. SPORT: Pick a sport and play atleast three times a week. We all love playing a minimum of one sport or the other, so this year team up with a sport buddy and get on the field / court (skipping, cycling, TT, badminton, basketball, football, cricket etc.)

There are a lot more ways of staying fit and healthy. These are only a few easy recommendations for a positive lifestyle change.

Good luck to all with their resolutions (let’s check on them after the first quarter). Stay fit & healthy always! 🙂


Festivals around the world are about meeting people, celebrations, drinks, sweets, food and more food and a lot more food. So, how is one to resist these temptations? How do we stay fit? Concentrate on well-being without binging? 

Well, of course you must enjoy the celebrations of festivals and be a part of all the hoopla including the large spreads of foods, sweets and drinks. These are temptations that tease the mind more than your taste buds. However, we have a few secrets that you can try out without feeling guilty on the festive indulgence and stay festiFIT:

  1. Stand: Don’t be lazy, if you are at a party or at a celebration, stand wherever you can, sitting will only reduce your metabolism and increase fat.
  2. Walk: Parties are all about mingling, so mingle! So while you keep your hands busy grabbing finger food – walk around, meet people and burn those few calories.
  3. Stay Active: Always stay active – standing, walking, talking, dancing et all.

Stay FestFIT and pamper yourself this festival season!



Mind it!

A fit body needs a fit mind! In today’s hectic work, home and play routines it is very easy to lose your mental balance and this can in turn cause various problems like fatigue, stress, aches and pains. To avoid these or rather to keep your mind in a happy state it is important to focus on wellness for the mind.

How do we keep our mind fit? What is mental fatigue? When we are over worked (which most of us are nowadays) the brain sometimes either starts operating like a machine or loses complete focus and wanders around wasting precious time. Here’s how you can keep your mind alive, active and fit:

1. Stay mentally stimulated: Smartphones and internet makes it so easy to pick your favourite game – a sudoku or crossword puzzle or even candy crush, fruit ninja (just to name a few) will help keep your mind active, alive and happy.

2. Social networking. Being social to humans is like breathing. If we don’t get enough, our mental faculties suffer and we start losing our grip on how life should be. So make time for your friends! Call up that family member you haven’t spoken to in forever. When you feel balanced, when you feel like you’re an integral part of a community, everything else falls into place.

3. Sleep Well: A good quality sleep is what most people need to de-stress. Disconnect yourself sooner rather than later, possibly 2 or 3 hours before you go to bed. So get off the computer, stop staring at your cell phone, and hit “off” button on that remote control. Read, take a bath, or just chill with your family or roommates. Live in the moment and get a good night’s sleep.

4. Out of the BOX: To keep your mind kicking, do something you’ve never done before. Go to a city you’ve never been to. Pick up a sport you’ve never played. Get creative if you haven’t seen your artsy side in years. Find a hobby that’s always intrigued you but you’ve never gotten around to and make time for it. You’ll feel productive, you’ll feel like you’ve accomplished something, and, bottom line? You’ll feel good. Just what the doctor ordered. Whether it’s paragliding, taking a cooking class, or stepping into a big city without a map, there will be something you gain from these new experiences. Even if it’s just a crazy story to tell!

5. Where’s your passion? At the end of day, life without passion isn’t a healthy life. Everybody has a dream and even if you can’t make it something you’re able to pursue 24×7, it can be something that has its own little niche in your life. Happiness is an integral part to being happy, and following your passion is a good way to ensure that your happiness is here to stay. If it gives you that warm feeling on the inside, it’s meant to be. Never let your passions fall by the wayside. They’re there to keep your heart and mind happy and healthy.

Keep your Mind fit and HAPPY always! 🙂

WELL… it is NESSessary!

Health and Wellness is something that is easy to take for granted. Our everyday routine includes: sleep, food, work and play. Some of us are conscious enough to be aware of what we eat and drink; how we sleep; how we work through the day, but there are others who think they are doing just fine and it is not necessary for them to alter the way they LIVE. So are you really LIVING?

Food: Food is the most important part of LIFE, if not important it is surely a part of everyone’s life be it a child, student, housewife, working professional athlete or any one else. Here are some quick fixes for your food in take, that will be beneficial to lead a healthy and fit lifestyle:

  •  Emphasize fruits and veggies
  • Add in lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains
  • Cut out processed JUNK
  • Drink a lot of WATER
  • Cook it up (eating home cooked food is always better than eating out)

FITNESS: The next thing that you must look into is your physical fitness. Being a part of this rat race, most of us are these corporate tech freaks who spend hours in front of their laptops working their eyes and shoulders out. How can you maintain your physical wellness like this?

  • Exercise: spend 10 minutes every morning working on some simple exercises
  • Walk: go and walk-up to your colleagues instead of using the intercom
  • Stretch: time and again stretch your shoulders, arms and legs to avoid pains and aches
  • Posture: consciously sit with a straight back and up-right shoulders
  • Stay Active: Sometimes it’s hard to get a workout in between work, social gatherings and other commitments. All you need to do are the smaller efforts to stay active like: park far away from where you’re going, take the stairs instead of the elevator etc.

Picture1Wellness is holistic! For the Body, Mind & Soul! To keep your mind fit and running is equally important as your body. How do we keep our mind fit? What is mental fatigue? However this week let’s focus on our physical wellness with FOOD and FITNESS, next week we shall take on WELLNESS for the MIND and SOUL!

Wish you all a HAPPY Weekend! 🙂

Right Health?

Health and fitness is habit that we must develop. It is a lifestyle we must adopt as kids and encourage kids to lead a healthier and fitter life.  Are kids of today healthy? Are they eating right? Playing right?

Well, the reality is sad: It isn’t a rare sight now to see kids these day consuming protein powders just to look bigger or leaner. Before kids were lucky to get a new toy on their birthday, or go and play with their friends in the parks. But now their perspective of life has changed, they are aware of the concept of fitness.

Here also we deal with two extremes: one being the lazy obese couch potato and the other a fitness freak with intense gymming and training. Awareness and exposure to various concepts of health and fitness gives kids ideas, choices and opinions that make for themselves.

Certain parents who have grown-up kids try so hard to get themselves into the shape but its so much tougher for them because they’ve passed the age! They would definitely prefer going to the gym rather than running around in the park. It would be more of an importance for them to restrict their diet and avoid certain foods but what’s the point of their kids doing it? Even though they are still growing, they feel the need to become very cautious about their body to an extent where they become malnourished.

It would become very difficult for them in the future, as they would not be supplying themselves with the required nutrition! While some kids enjoy eating their life out, certain kids adopt the complete opposite diet. They feel the need to get ‘ripped’ or ‘shredded’ where their real goal should be becoming fit! There are certain ways other than going to the gym which growing kids can do like:

  • Running: A few rounds in the park
  • Playing a sport: Any sport in the outdoor or indoor
  • Basic exercises: Any simple home exercises
  • Yoga: Basic meditation and asanas

These are only few of examples of simple fitness regimes. And all these are not only good for health and fitness but also help:

  • Increase stamina
  • Release stress
  • Clear the mind
  • Enhance thinking

Sometimes variables like parents, peers, fashion etc. are the cause for kids to change but ultimately staying healthy should be a part of their lifestyle and not a goal or target to achieve. It is important for the kids to understand the importance of  the right balance between eating right and burning it all, because attaining this balance is the only key to staying healthy and fit!

It may be really tough to balance it for kids, however it isn’t tough to eat your vegetables and go play some football! And this stands true for all – kids and adults! So eat right, play right and stay fit! 🙂