
Hello 2015! We are almost at nearing end of the first month of 2015 and the actual test results of whether our resolutions will last for the first quarter or not come out within these first 30 days. Well, if you have survived for the first month, there are about 80% chances that you will get through the first quarter as well… 🙂

So what are the most common things that we hear on 31st December of every year? Or even 1st January of every new year?

  1. Let’s get fitter this year
  2. Lose some kilos or inches to fit into those wonderful old pair of jeans
  3. Do ONE good deed every day (or week or even month)
  4. LIVE life to the fullest (stress-freeeee)
  5. Spend more quality time with myself, with family and friends
  6. Travel MORE

Yes of course the list can go on and on… But for most of us the top 2 stand true every year! Here are a quick few lifestyle choices that can help you get there without the stress of counting calories, changing your social life or dieting.

  1. Hot water and lemon: It’s as simple as a cup of warm water and lemon. Begin your day with this warm cup feeling lighter all through the day. This cup of water does nothing but boosts your metabolism for the day.
  2. BREATHE: Take about 5 minutes to do some simple breathing exercises (preferably in a natural and open environment or even by your window). Taking deep breathes first thing in the morning not only energises your lungs but also works on your abs.
  3. Spot Fitness: Most of us are the lazy types, who do not like to venture out of our homes (for a walk or the gym) early in the morning. Here is the spot fitness regime for these kinds. In this regime what you got to do is simple: Set a timer for 15 minutes > Put on some music > Exercise until your buzzer rings. These exercises could be as simple as spot jogging, stretches, push-ups, lunges etc.
  4. Eat Right: Diet is one of the most important parts of being healthy and fit. We all have cravings and weaknesses, well not asking you to give up a lot but follow a few simple rules:
    • Have a good filling breakfast
    • Eat every 2 hours (a small snack like a cookie, some nuts etc.)
    • Eat your meals on time.
    • A complete lunch in adequate quantities
    • Avoid over eating (makes you lazy)
    • Carbs only until 7pm
    • Have a filling high-protein dinner (salads, meat, lentils etc.)
  5. Hydrate: Drink a lot of water through your day. Drinking water has a lot of benefits. Keeps your system clean. Reduces hunger pangs. Hydrates and nourishes your skin as well.
  6. SPORT: Pick a sport and play atleast three times a week. We all love playing a minimum of one sport or the other, so this year team up with a sport buddy and get on the field / court (skipping, cycling, TT, badminton, basketball, football, cricket etc.)

There are a lot more ways of staying fit and healthy. These are only a few easy recommendations for a positive lifestyle change.

Good luck to all with their resolutions (let’s check on them after the first quarter). Stay fit & healthy always! 🙂

Ho ho ho… Holiday :)

Yessss! It’s holiday time and Santa is almost here… It is indeed that time time of the year when everyone is on a holiday; school’s are off, work shuts early,  people head out and hopefully the mind, body and soul are also in a happy place!

Every individual has their own style of spending their holidays.

  1. Some people like to go back home and spend time with their families
  2. Romantic getaways for couples are the most ideal way of welcoming the new year
  3. We also have the adventurous souls, who are always hunting for new destinations to explore and challenge themselves
  4. Of course it is also the time to party, shake a leg and forget all about the year that was

Holidays are always fun; though can be hectic for the body; but surely it is the best way to relax your mind and soul. This holiday season, plan out how would you want to end your year and spot your Heaven on Earth destination; here are our ideas:

  1. Book a gorgeous beach resort and welcome the new year with the sound of the waves ~ Goa, Bali, Phuket are great beach side destinations that give you the opportunity to shack out by the beach and also party the night out.
  2. Walk into the sunset of the beautiful hills as they rejuvenate your mind and broaden your horizons ~ Mount Abu, Kandy (Sri Lanka), New Zealand have the some of the most picturesque views trekking and driving along; that will refresh your thoughts and start a new 2015.

So how have you planned to welcome Santa this year? Pick… Plan and get Packing to your Heaven on Earth and bid farewell to all your pains and wake up in to twenty fifteen with a SMILE 🙂